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Students Learn During Indian Heritage Week

A tipi was put up, under the direction of Lance Four Star, during a ceremony at Southside Elementary School to begin the American Indian Heritage Week Celebration on Monday, Sept. 20.

Four Star said that he conducted the programs at Southside and Northside elementary schools on Monday morning to explain the importance of the student’s lives and putting a tipi up.

He noted that superintendent Loverty Erickson talked at Northside about her upbringing and encouraged students to ask their grandmothers if they have an Indian name.

“The teachers did a lot of the work,” Four Star said of the presentation.

At Southside, Mike Turcotte of the JOM program taught the young students how to say “good morning” in Indian and had the group say it together.

Turcotte then had the students learn about smudging. Herbs included cedar and sage.

Four Star, aided with school staff members, then put up the 14-foot tipi to sit at Southside throughout the week.

Different days for the Wolf Point School District this week include “Wear Your Braids” on Monday, “Rock Your Mocs” on Tuesday, “Beadwork/Native Designs on Wednesday, a powwow on Thursday and “ribbons and regalia” on Friday.

The pow-wow will be held at the Wadopana Arbor from 1 to 4 p.m.

A joint Native American Day/Homecoming parade will be Friday at 1 p.m.

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