Highway Construction Projects Planned In Area
Future highway construction projects by the Montana Department of Transportation includes a large amount of work on and around Highway 13 during the next few years.
“People will see a lot of activity on Highway 13 in the next three years,” district administrator Shane Minz said. “We have plans over the next three years that we will touch all but five miles of the road.”
He noted work is just starting on the Junction Section 250 North project, which will rebuild a segment of the roadway between the intersection of Secondary Highway 250 and County Road 2040. The $13,440,741 project will include widening and straightening the new roadway, new asphalt and culverts. Also planned is a 14-mile overlay on Highway 13 for this fall or next spring.
Scheduled for this fall is an overlay on Highway 25 north past Highway 2.
A large project called Scobey South doesn’t have a definite scheduled date yet, but the project will probably take place in about six years.
“We recognize that’s one of our primary highways,” Minz said of Highway 13. “The problem is we have more needs than money. There’s a lot of primary highways in the Glendive district with needs.”
The Wolf Point E & W project was recently completed. The resurfacing project began in Valley County just east of the McConnell Road approach and ended about two miles west of Chelsea and just before the Chelsea Creek.
The Brockton West project is scheduled to begin next spring. The resurfacing project will begin on the east end of Poplar and extend 12.9 miles to the east edge of Brockton. The project will replace the top layer of pavement. The project also includes a chip seal, centerline and shoulder rumble strips, culvert replacement, guardrail upgrades, pavement markings and signing.