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and honoring our trust and ….

and honoring our trust and treaty responsibilities to Tribes.”

Tester has been working diligently to ensure that Montana victims of crime have the resources they need to get back on their feet. As a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee he has secured a 5 percent Crime Victims Fund setaside for Tribes since 2018. He also helped pass the bipartisan VOCA Fix to Sustain the Crime Victims Fund Act, to protect the solvency of the fund and make an additional $4 to $7 billion of non-taxpayer money available to crime victim service providers over the next few years by allowing fines from non-prosecution and deferred prosecution agreements to be deposited in the fund.

As the former chairman of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, Tester has also consistently fought to provide Tribal governments and organizations with the resources they need to reduce crime and tackle the Murdered and Missing Indigenous Persons epidemic. He led the Senate passage of Savanna’s Act and the Not Invisible Act, both of which were signed into law in October 2020, improving information sharing and collaboration between Tribal and federal law enforcement agencies.

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