'THE LEGEND OF BUNNY HILL' Decades ago..the young at heart searched far and wide to secure a secluded spot in which to frolick amidst the prairie grasses and imbibe in whatever vices were common of the day...and to tell tall tales amongst one’s friends to pass the night away...
Far, (but not too far) from the maddening crowds, lay a lonely promitory just east of town...that fit the bill to a tell-tale tee....Roads and trails criss-crossed the star-struck hill..with short-cuts and scenic look-outs jutting high into the Montana sky..almost as if meant to be...
One had only to guess who had a hand in naming the old girl “Bunny Hill”.... but...l have a sneaky suspicion that most of those involved...still lurk within the confines of Wolf Point Proper to this very day...
Being that most (if not all) of those winsome renegades of the day packed some kind of weaponry in which to plink innocent targets or to bring home game...it certainly wasn’t a rare thing to hear the booming gunshots ringing out in those far-flung hills...even at night!
The oddity surrounding this chunk of prairie paradise though....was the abnormal amount of jackrabbits emanating from it’s very pores....Oh!...Although the common jackrabbit is no stranger to this area...yet, the rabbits surrounding these gnarly peaks (yet still unnamed) were vastly larger and more hefty than the lop-eared jacks of former times...And a full-grown boar was known to stretch out at over 7 foot nose-to-tip-of-the-tail and tip out at over 250 pounds!
And..although large, massive 4-wheel drive pick-ups were yet not in vogue...you can bet there was no shortage of a plethora of muscle cars of the era....Road-Runners, Chevelle’s, Chevy Duece Coups, Mustangs, Plymouth Dusters..and an infamous red, 69 Dodge Charger R.T. S.E. that sent shivers up the spine of any Boar Bunny with sense to know any better.
Stories abounded about the exploits of those early pioneers of “Bunny Hill”...that was now nearly etched into legend.
People came from far and wide to experience a night at what was now officially named “Bunny Hill”..a landmark of sorts to those inquiring minds...There were meteor showers lighting up the coalblackened sky...chilly fall nights where all were huddled close...even blistering hot days afield for those of hardened flesh...but mostly...a camaraderie of young people doing what those youngsters do best....HAVING FUN!
And Lo!..Though the years have passed with blinding speed...l’m still frequently asked by some generational milliennial if all those stories of yesteryear are true....if all those monster Jacks loped to-and-fro..and if those hell-bent-fer-leather drag races off of yonder hill actually happened....and if those meteor showers rained down like a mid-summer’s storm...Chuckling to myself...I’ll shoot him a side-ways grin a bit...and reply..“Why Sonny...I can’t rightly say...for you see...what happened at “Bunny Hill”....stays at “Bunny Hill!” Scott “Pondoro” Taylor