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Experienced Moore Chooses Wolf Point

Experienced Moore Chooses Wolf Point Experienced Moore Chooses Wolf Point

Cristina Moore brings more than three decades of combined experience to Wolf Point Schools. This year, she’s teaching English and U.S. history to students in the eighth, 10th and 11th grades. She also coached junior high cross country.

Moore told the Northern Plains Independent that she chose Wolf Point so that she could focus her educational efforts on a community with a diverse makeup. Moore said she was also drawn to this region for its beauty and remoteness.

“I wanted to focus on a diverse community,” said Moore. “And one with needs.” More has taught in a wide array of classroom environments, from three years in a border town school in Nogales, Ariz., to an inner city environment like San Antonio, TX, where she taught for four years. She also taught for six years abroad in Bahrain. Most recently, she taught English for 18 years in North Carolina.

For hobbies, Moore likes to run. She said she also dabbles in creative writing and visual art. Her latest hobby, she said, is body building and physique training.

Asked to name her favorite part of teaching, she said, “Building authentic relationships with students. That has to come first.”

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