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NDO Youth Council Elections Held

The Nakoda Dakota Oyate Youth Council held elections Oct. 13. The newly elected officers for 2021-22 include chair Ethan Blount, of Wolf Point, vice chair Mo Bighorn (Brockton), secretary Jillian Norain (Wolf Point), treasurer Kristina Alexander (Poplar), sargent-at-arms Jesse Owen (Frazer) and representative Azalei Ackerman of Wolf Point.

NDO is a group of youth leaders from across the Fort Peck Assiniboine & Sioux Reservation. They represent each of their communities and their schools. According to Manning, “The purpose is to promote and nurture understanding of becoming leaders within the schools, community and the reservation. Each school year a new group is elected by their peers to hold the office seats. Each school year they take an oath to be drug and alcohol free.”

New members are always encouraged to attend. They meet twice a month. NDO recently received word that they have been designated a 501(c) 3 organization.

Council spots remain open for representatives from Culbertson and Nashua. For more information, visit the group’s Facebook page.

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