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Wolf Point Police Blotter

( Publisher’s Note: The following blotter includes the activities of the Wolf Point police department Oct. 25-31. All those cited or arrested are presumed innocent.)

Citations were issued to:

October 25

Coreen Smith, 39, female, 200 block of Custer Street, burglary, tribal court.

October 27

Joan Brown, 59, female, Triangle Park, public intoxication, tribal court.

October 28

Gene Badhawk Jr., 59, male, 200 block of Benton Street, public intoxication, tribal court.

Talayne Demarrias, 29, female, 600 block of Fifth Avenue North, warrant, tribal court.

Lawanda Redeagle, 51, female, 500 block of Custer Street, partner/family member assault, and felony abuse of a child, tribal court.

October 29

Seth Laverdure, 25, male, 300 block of Knapp Street, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct, tribal court.

October 31

Valen Manternach, 26, male, 200 block of Edgar Street, aggravated disorderly conduct, tribal court.

In addition to the citations above, the WPPD had the following activity: unspecified, one; accident/hit and run, one; alarm/burglary, two; alarm/residence, one; alarm/ school, one; animal/injured, one; animal/stray, one; assault, three; assault/aggravated, one; assault/simple, one; assistance required/law enforcement, one; assistance required/public, five; attempted burglary/residential, two; burglary/residential/ forcible, four; child abuse, one; civil complaint/landlord/ tenant, one; counterfeit/ currency, one; interference, one; disorderly conduct/ fight, nine; disorderly conduct, eight; disorderly conduct/ profane language, one; disorderly conduct/vagrant, five; disturbance/arguments, six; disturbance/house party, one; disturbance, five; disturbance/ panhandling, one; disturbance/ remove unwanted person, two; domestic abuse, one; domestic problems/ home health issues, one; driving under the influence/ alcohol, five; harassment, one; indecent exposure, two; medical assistance, 14; message delivery, one; missing person/child, one; missing person/lost child, one; other, one; patrol/city limits, six; property/found, one; public intoxication, one; simple assault, one; stolen vehicle, one; suspicious activity, one; suspicious person, two; theft, two; theft from motor vehicle, one; theft of motor vehicle, one; theft/shoplifting, one; threats, two; traffic crime/ careless driving, five; traffic/ other, one; traffic roads/other, one; traffic roads/parking, one; trespass, five; trespassing, one; unauthorized use of motor vehicle, one; vandalism, four; vandalism/motor vehicle, one; weapon offense, three; welfare check, nine; domestic disturbance, one; total, 148.

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