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Quit Smoking With Great American Smoke Out


A single day of giving up tobacco can help you take the first step to a longer, healthier life. Let the Great American Smoke Out event on Thursday, Nov. 18, be your day to start your journey toward a tobacco-free life.

On Nov. 18, join with other Montanans across the state and celebrate the Great American Smoke Out by making that day the first day of your tobacco-free life.

The Great American Smoke Out raises awareness about the deaths and chronic diseases caused by smoking. About 26 percent of Montana adults still use tobacco, and tobacco use remains the single largest preventable cause of disease and premature death in the United States. Every year, 1,600 Montanans die from smoking-related illness.

Tobacco prevention specialist A.J. Allen of Roosevelt County said, “It’s never too late to stop smoking. The health benefits of quitting smoking begin only 20 minutes after your last cigarette. Start your journey toward healthier lungs and a healthier mindset. We’re challenging all Montanans who use tobacco to stop for the day in hopes they will quit for good.”

The Montana Tobacco Quit Line is here to help you on your journey toward quitting, with free coaching and free nicotine replacement therapy. Quit Line coaches know how vulnerable you can feel when attempting to quit smoking, which is why they are trained to provide you a safe and welcoming environment and to meet you where you are in your quit journey.

Montanans who use the Quit Line are seven to 10 times more likely to quit for good than those who try quitting on their own.

New this year, pregnant American Indian women who use commercial tobacco can now receive free quit coaching from a dedicated female American Indian coach and earn cash rewards through the American Indian Commercial Tobacco Quit Line. Visit MTAmericanIndianQuitLine. com or call 1-855-AI-QUIT to enroll.

The Quit Line also offers special programs for American Indians, pregnant women, youth, and young adults. Visit and click on Quit Your Way to learn more about these special programs.

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