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Stockgrowers Association Elects New Directors

The Montana Stockgrowers Association wrapped up the 2021 Annual Convention & Trade Show on Nov 17 after a week filled with educational seminars, policy sessions, and networking events.

Highlights from the week included industry leaders presenting during Stockgrowers Colleges, a beef supply chain panel and multiple MSGA members winning prizes from generous partners from a handcrafted saddle to a lease for a Massey Ferguson tractor.

Montana’s Lt. Gov. Kristen Juras kicked off the week at the opening general session. National Cattlemen’s Beef Association president, Jerry Bohn, gave the crowd an update on NCBA’s efforts at the national level during the Northern Ag Network Lunch and a beef supply chain panel provided meaningful conversation and discussion on issues facing the livestock industry. Panelists included MSGA president Jim Steinbeisser of VS Inc. in Sidney representing the cow/calf sector, Tom Jones, owner of Hy-Plains Feedyard of Kansas, representing the feeder sector, Shane Flowers of Miles City’s Pure Montana Meats representing the retail sector, and Fred Nichols of JBS in Greeley, Colorado, representing the packing sector.

The organization’s leadership was also elected during the annual convention and announced at the Grand Finale Banquet. The board of directors consists of 13 members; two directors from each district and three elected officers. MSGA directors volunteer their time to travel to industry issues and meetings to ensure representation of Montana’s ranching families. Representatives from the Montana CattleWomen and Young Stockgrowers also hold seats on the MSGA board. Election results include: Newly elected directors include: John Hagenbarth of Glen, western district Keith Dynneson of Sidney, northeastern district Rich Roth of Big Sandy, north central district Ian Glennie of Judith Gap, Young Stockgrowers vice chair Returning board officers and directors include: Jim Steinbeisser of Sidney, president John Grande of Lennep, first vice president Lesley Robinson of Dodson, second vice president Dana Darlington of Big Sandy, North Central District Lon Reukauf of Terry, northeast district Todd Olsen of Lewistown, south central district Dusty Hahn of Townsend, south central district Turk Stovall of Billings, Southeast District Monty Lesh of Miles City, southeast district Bob Sitz of Harrison, western district Devin Murnin of Billings, Young Stockgrowers chair Sarah Swenson of Huntley, Montana Cattlewomen president

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