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CHS Hosts ‘Rebel Without A Claus’ Meet

CHS Hosts ‘Rebel Without A Claus’ Meet CHS Hosts ‘Rebel Without A Claus’ Meet

Culbertson High School Speech and Drama hosted the 'Rebel Without A Claus' Christmas Invitational Saturday, Dec. 18. Thirteen Class A, B, and C schools and 120 competitors in 17 different speech, drama and debate events participated, as well as over 60 judges. Students competed in three preliminary rounds of competition. The top eight in each event went on to compete in finals.

Placing for Culbertson were Trevor Green, second place in informative; Zach Miller, first place memorized public address; Morgan Lucas, third place in MPA; Joseph McCarty, ninth place in humerous oral interpretation; Eric Chilson, fourth place in informative; and Mo Bighorn, fifth in MPA.

The team placed first in the class C sweepstakes.

Overall team results were the following: Class A speech, first place, Custer County High School; second place, Sidney; third place, Dawson County High School. Class B speech, first place, Shepherd; second place, Glasgow; third place, Poplar. Class C speech, first place, Culbertson; second place, Plentywood; third place, Fairview. Class A drama, first place, Sidney; second place, Custer County District High School; third place, Dawson County High School. Class B drama, first place, Wolf Point; second place, Shepherd. Class C drama, first place, Scobey; second place, Fairview; third place, Plentywood.

CHS coach Jeri Gustafson expressed her appreciation to all who assisted with and/ or attended the meet.

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