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MMM Dear Santa, I ….

	Dear Santa, 
	 I …. MMM 
	Dear Santa, 
	 I ….


Dear Santa,

I want new Color Crayons and a big racing car. Thank you for the Toys. From Teagan Froid Kindergarten


Dear Nick,

I want a nerf gun. Thank you for giving us toys. From, Brody Froid Kindergarten


Dear Santa,

I want a Moana doll. Thank you for giving us toys. From, Eva Froid Kindergarten


Dear Santa,

I want a bow and arrow. Thank you for giving us toys. From, Jayden Froid Kindergarten


Dear Santa,

I want a nerf gun. Thank you for giving us toys. From Easton Froid Kindergarten


Dear Santa,

I want a dino set and a nerf gun. Thank you for giving us toys. From Weston Froid Kindergarten


Dear Santa,

I want a LOL Doll. Thank you for giving us toys. From Frankie Froid Kindergarten


Dear Santa,

There have been many fires this past year, so I want you to give us so much snow so we don’t have to worry about fires 24/7. Also I would like you to put a fire extinguisher in each person's stockings.

Safe travels, Jaylynn Bjorge Bainville School, 6th Grade


Dear Saint Nicholas,

I know people nowadays are glued to their phones, to I would like it if you filled those peoples stockings with survival guides and tents. Thank you Sants, I hope people can get to the great outdoors.

You know what to do, Bodie Olson Bainville school, 6th grade


Dear Santa,

Hope you had a good day, but my town needs help. Even though we have the welcome stop we need another store. We need a Walmart because. All of the people can’t just waste 5 hours shopping in North Dakota. Have a good year. On the good list Hyrum Bainville School, 6th grade December 2021


Dear Santa,

Santa for Christmas can you please please please drop off more garbages.I want you to do that because then people could use them more then our town and it’ll be cleaner! When we dump out the garbage we’ll actually use them. Yours in Christmas cheer, Sadie Romo Bainville School, 6th Grade


Dear Santa,

For Christmas, I would like for you to try and build a food bank in our town.

I know it may be asking a lot, but I know some people in our town and community could really use it. I just think it would be so very nice of you. Safe flight, Sydney Rose from Bainville School December 2021


Dear Santa Clause,

I was wondering If you could please drop me off a 150 by 80 indoor arena It wouldnt be just for me. This would be a community thing. This would help to keep horses working, so that in the spring our horses wouldn’t be so crazy. I would really appreciate it. Thanks for your time to read this.

On the nice list, “I think” Brooke Conlin Bainville School December 2021


Dear Santa

I want you to put a food court in Bainville montana. I really have been craving a subway sandwich. Good luck Parker berwick Bainville montana


Dear Santa,

I hope this season of gift preparation has gone well. This year I will leave a mask by the chimney because of corona. This year I would like you to bring me a white christmas. Safe travels, Kyn beery Bainville School, 6th Grade


Dear, Santa

This year i wanted to ask if you could possibly donate food and clothes to homeless shelters. Or if not just a kind letter to everyone's doorstep. Sincerely, Evan.


Dear Santa Clause,

December 2021 I hope you had a fun Christmas travel. For Christmas this year I want you to give everyone in the world a pair of very fuzzy sox. I think I would help a lot of parents and kids around the world. If you could, could you maybe give a blanket to everyone to please? I know it would be a lot of work for you but I know you can do it Santa Clause. Have a safe travel, Jodi Albus, Bainville school, six grade December 14, 2021


Dear Santa Claus,

I hope your season of gift preparation has gone well.

For Christmas I would like to have a stable and indoor arena for my community so that they can learn how to ride horses or they can bord them at the s tabl e . I t would be nice for Bainville because it is small and doesn’t have a lot of things going on.

On the nice list, Emmalyn Anderson Bainville school, 6th grade December 2021


Dear Santa,

For Christmas I think that a small little town likea ours would like a mall.

Because it can have homeless shelters and animal shelters and it could give people jobs. And the homeless shelter could do their shopping without having to buy gas besides driving there. The kids in the homeless shelter could go to the water park that would be there or for the litte kids they could go to the daycare and they can go to school. Safe travels, Bella stein Bainville school 6th grade


Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I want a ps4. I also want a mini dirt bike. Also 13 Nerf gus. Love Axel


Dear Santa,

Iv been very good. Wute I want for Christmas is a Nintendo. I also want a iPhone II. I am also going to get my brother a Nref Toten! Love Chase


Dear Santa,

I have been good. What I want for Christmas is a Minecraft action figure. I also want a Minecraft Legos stuffed animal. From Kade


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