New Year, New Chance To Quit Tobacco
By A.J. Allen Tobacco Prevention
Every year, thousands of Montanans look at the new year as an opportunity to make positive life changes. For Montanans who use tobacco, quitting is one of the best things they can do for their health. The Montana Tobacco Quit Line offers free services available to all Montanans and is here to help anyone quit tobacco.
“Remember, the Quit Line is for all types of tobacco: cigarettes, cigars, smokeless and e-cigarettes. No matter what type of tobacco you use, the Quit Line can help,” said A.J. Allen, local tobacco prevention specialist.
The Quit Line offers free and reduced cost medications, free counseling with a certified quit coach, and a personalized quit plan. It also offers individualized programs for youth, pregnant women who want to quit for their own health and the health of their baby, and an American Indian program that connects callers with American Indian coaches. All Quit Line programs deliver tailored services for each caller creating the best opportunity for success.
New this year, pregnant American Indian women who use commercial tobacco can now receive free quit coaching from a dedicated female American Indian coach and earn cash rewards through the American Indian Commercial Tobacco Quit Line. Visit MTAmericanIndianQuitLine. com or call
855-AI-QUIT to enroll. Quitting tobacco can be the most important thing you do for your health this New Year. The Quit Line, along with FDA-approved cessation medications available through enrollment for those over 18, is a proven effective way to help you quit tobacco use successfully. Tobacco users who use the Montana Tobacco Quit Line are 7 to 10 times more likely to quit than if they were to try alone.
To get started call 800QUIT NOW (800-7848669), or visit the website at www.QuitNowMontana. com to enroll, American Indian Commercial Tobacco Quit Line: 855-5AI-QUIT or, My Life, My Quit (Under 18): 855-891-9989,, or text “Start” to 36072.