Bainville Council Starts New Year At Fire Hall

The newly constituted Bainville Town Council held their regular meeting Monday, Jan. 10 at the Bainville Fire Hall. Thirteen community members attended the meeting.
A new holiday schedule was approved, including a permanent change of venue from the town hall to the fire hall.
“If we held it at the town office, there wouldn’t be room to accommodate all these people,” said Romo. “We are hoping for more people.”
During the public works report, Lyle Lambert said the town needs to update its emergency response plan. He also reminded the council that the Local Emergency Planning Committee would be meeting in Bainville Jan. 11 at 2 p.m.
Old business was tabled. During new business, Matt Giese was elected council president. Penny Hendrickson was reappointed city judge at a rate of $150 per month.
A motion to appoint a new town attorney was tabled. Lambert was appointed Bainville fire chief.
The council authorized Romo to sign the Dakota Pump annual maintenance agreement in the amount of $700.
A resolution was approved appoint signature power for Romo, Giese and Rogers at First Community Bank of Montana and Edward D. Jones.
A pending petition to abandon County Road 1007 from the railroad crossing to Highway 2 by the cemetery was discussed. The petition is part of an ongoing process to address voter registration issues.
The new ward map was reviewed, with some discussion about pinning down the correct number of council persons needed in Bainville. A possible reduction from three councilpersons to two is being researched.
Clerk Nikki Rogers has been named to the Montana League of Cities and Towns executive board as District 3 representative.
Dry Prairie is increasing its base rate to $4 with an increase on usage. Romo and Lambert speculated that fixing leaks in the town system may offset costs to the town and preclude any rate increases for users.