Commissioners Approve Wolf Point’s Request For Storm Water Project Funds
Roosevelt County Commissioners approved a request from the City of Wolf Point for use of American Rescue Plan Act Funds for a storm water improvement project.
The total cost of the project is $432,000. The city will receive $324,000 in ARPA funds from the county for the project.
“These are very limited funds,” commissioner Gordon Oelkers explained of the “bucket B” funds that are required to be used for infrastructure. “It’s good to see the City of Wolf Point will be able to use it.”
The city’s request is to assist in funding a critical stormwater project which includes the installation of a new storm sewer main in Sixth Avenue between Dawson Street and Front Street. The existing storm sewer is undersized and the inlets are consistently clogging and causing maintenance issues for city staff as well as severe damage To Sixth Avenue over time. The storm sewer is anticipated to be upsized to at least 18” and all eight inlets and five manholes would be replaced. The final size of the storm sewer main will be determined by an engineering analysis.
The reason that the project is important to the city includes that during the freeze-thaw cycles of winter, ice forms in the undersized storm sewer between the inlets and in the main running in the street, which diminishes its capacity. As a result, during spring runoff and spring storms, the area floods and the city staff spends a considerable amount of time unclogging the lines. Through freeze-thaw, the street is also being damaged by improper storm water runoff.
The weekly meeting featured commissioners Oelkers and Gary Macdonald. Oelkers opened the meeting saying that the two commissioners’ thoughts and prayers are with Commissioner Duane Nygaard who recently lost his son, Payden, in a tragic explosion.
“Our thoughts and prayers are with him after this life-changing event,” Oelkers said.
Commissioners set the meal rates for the year at $10 for breakfast, $12 for lunch and $17 for supper. These rates are the same as 2021. Mileage rates will increase to 58.5 cents a mile. The daily rate of incarceration will remain at $50.
Commissioners approved a resolution to have the posting of public notices at the county building in Culbertson and the bulletin board by the door of the commissioners’ office.
Hours for county offices are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays with the exception of the commissioners’ office which will be closed from noon to 1 p.m.
Macdonald said that some offices might need to be reminded that offices are to remain open until 5 p.m. and not until 4:45 p.m.
Commissioners accepted the resignation of detention center employee Joshua Miller and approved the hiring of detention center employee Travis Redekopp.