County Positions Up For Election In 2022
Seven positions in Roosevelt County will possibly be up for election in 2022. Individuals can start filing for the elected positions on Thursday, Jan. 13. Filing deadline is 5 p.m. on March 14.
The primary election is scheduled for June 7. The federal general election is Nov. 8.
One of the offices up for election is county attorney which is currently held by Frank Piocos. He was appointed by county commissioners in February to finish the term of now Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen. The office salary for the county attorney position is $113,554.60. Filing fee is $567.77.
The district number 3 county commissioner position held by Duane Nygaard is also up for election. Office salary is $65,501. Filing fee is $327.51.
The position of sheriff/coroner currently held by Jason Frederick is also up for election. Office salary is $68,501. Filing fee is $342.51.
Other positions up for election include clerk and recorder/public administrator, county treasurer/ assessor, justice of the peace for post 1 and justice of the peace for post 2.