Diversity, Direction, Dollars Ag Forum Scheduled
Farmers in the western Dakotas and eastern Montana will have the opportunity to hear nationally-known speakers address topics affecting agriculture in the region during North Dakota University Extension’s Diversity, Direction and Dollars agricultural forum. The forum will be held Tuesday, Jan. 11, at the Roosevelt Grand Dakota Hotel in Dickinson, N.D.
The forum will provide ideas for improving productivity and decreasing costs while providing high quality food produced in a sustainable manner.
Registration begins at 8:15 a.m. Mountain time with a welcome given by Mike Renner of KDIX radio at 9 a.m. Workshop sessions and presenters include: Analysis of the 2021 Drought and Outlook into the 2022 Growing Season in Southwest North Dakota – Adnan Akyuz, NDSU professor of climatological practice and climatologist Weed Control Issues: What to Look For – Brian Jenks, NDSU weed scientist, North Central Research Extension Center North Dakota Farm Economic Situation and Outlook – Bryon Parman, NDSU assistant professor and agricultural finance specialist Soybean Production for Western North Dakota – John Rickertsen, NDSU agricultural finance specialist, Hettinger Research Extension Center Offense verses Defense: How to Deal with Activists – Will Coggin, Center for Consumer Freedom managing director Acid Soil Progress Report – Ryan Buetow, NDSU cropping systems specialist, Dickinson Research Extension Center Farmers can expect to come away with at least two good ideas that they can apply to their farms during the next cropping season and at least one good idea to position their farm to take advantage of the changes occurring.
A registration fee of $20 covers all breaks, noon lunch and materials and is payable at the door.