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Meeting Scheduled For Fort Peck Master Plan

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has scheduled a meeting for Thursday, Jan. 20, to take public comments on updating its 2008 master plan for Fort Peck Dam and Fort Peck Reservoir.

The virtual public scoping meeting starts at 7 p.m. Comments can also be submitted after the meeting through Feb. 16.

The corps is responsible for operation of Fort Peck Dam and its related facilities, as well as 390,000 acres surrounding the reservoir that was created following the completion of the dam in 1940. The combined areas of the reservoir the Corps oversees – which extends from above Fred Robinson Bridge on the Missouri River to downstream of the dam – creates the largest water- based recreation area in northeastern Montana.

The master plan will feature goals and objectives for the corps. The documents are made to last for about 20 years, and the last plan for Fort Peck was developed in 2008.

“In addition, an update to the Shoreline Management Plan and a proposed Integrated Pest Management Plan will also be developed,” the Corps said in a press release. “This input will help shape the masterplan update and revision process so USACE may identify how to better manage the area while protecting its natural, cultural, historic, and manmade resources.”

An environmental assessment will also be written to ensure the plan addresses potential environmental effects.

The public can join the meeting at: https://usace1. j.montreuil or call in at: 1-844-800-2712 and when prompted, enter in access code: 2763-773-0260.

Public comments during this initial scoping period can be emailed to:, or by U.S. Mail at: US Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District; Operations Division, Natural Resources Section; ATTN: Fort Peck Project Master Plan; 1616 Capitol Ave.; Omaha, NE 68102.

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