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By Monday, Jan. 17, a ….

By Monday, Jan. 17, a total of 2,945 deaths have been reported statewide. A total of 197,685 people have recovered. A total of 10,632 have been hospitalized.

Vaccine Doses

As of Monday, Jan. 17, 1,355,958 total doses have been administered in Montana. There are 544,572 or 53 percent fully immunized Montanans.

In Roosevelt County, 10,632 total doses have been administered as of Monday, Jan. 17. There are 4,550 fully immunized for 46 percent of the county’s 9,918 eligible for vaccination.

In Valley County, 7,471 total doses have been administered. There are 3,116 fully immunized for 45 percent of the county’s 6,931 eligible for vaccination.

In Daniels County, 1,666 total doses have been administered. There are 681 fully immunized for 44 percent of the county’s 1,559 eligible for vaccination.

In Richland County, 9,268 total doses have been administered. There are 4,060 fully immunized for 39 percent of the county’s 10,310 eligible for vaccination.

In Phillips County, 4,108 total doses have been administered. There are 1,734 fully immunized for 47 percent of the county’s 3,675 eligible for vaccination.

In Sheridan County, 4,500 total doses have been administered. There are 1,813 fully immunized for 59 percent of the county’s 3,075 eligible for vaccination.

The dashboard can be found at https://www.arcgis. com/apps/MapSeries/ index.html?appid=7c-34f3412536439491adc- c2103421d4b.

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