Brockton Student Wins County Bee Title
Eager spellers took part in the Roosevelt County Spelling Bee held in Froid on Thursday, Feb. 27.
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Four Arrested Regarding Suspected Homicide
The Fort Peck Tribal Law Enforcement reports that four individuals have been arrested as persons of interest in the homicide death of Gifford Standing.
The four arrested are Abrianne Deserly, Calvin Lester Jr., Michael Menz and Dillon Wetsit.
Area law enforcement officers responded to a report of a deceased individual in an abandoned Wolf Point house on Wednesday, Fe...
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Residents Discuss Ways To Improve Wolf Point
After listening to three Reimagining Rural presentations, Wolf Point residents shared opinions abou...
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School Negotiations Waiting For Legislature
Representatives of the Wolf Point Education Association and Wolf Point School Board held a short negotiations meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 25.
The process can’t take many steps forward until the Montana Legislature decides the amount of funds going into K-12 education.
“We can’t do anything with money until the Legislature is done,” Wolf Point Superintendent of Sc...
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Air Service Keeps Steady Numbers
Wolf Point’s L.M. Clayton Airport was the second most busy location of Montana’s five Essential Air Service sites during 2024.
Wolf Point had 3,183 enplanements during the year. The only EAS airport with more enplanements in Montana was Sidney with 7,336.
Figures from other airports included Havre with 3,095, Glasgow with 2,970, Glendive with 2,137.
Wolf Poi...
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Wolf Point Police Blotter
( Publisher’s Note: The following blotter includes the activities of the Wolf Point police and fire department Feb. 24 through March 2. All those cited or arrested are presumed innocent.)
Feb. 27
Dillon Wetsit, 26, male, Trinity Hospital, warrant, tribal court.
Seth Laverdure, 28, male, 300 block of Knapp Street, public intoxication and disorderly conduct, tribal c...
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