Wildlife Habitat Improvement Program Council To Meet
The Montana Wildlife Habitat Improvement Program advisory council will meet Thursday, Jan. 20, at 9 a.m. People can attend via Zoom or in person at the FWP-Annex Building – South Conference Room, located at 1625 11th Ave. in Helena.
WHIP was established during the 2017 Legislature to set aside up to $2 million of federal Pittman-Robertson funding for the purpose of wildlife habitat restoration work in the form of noxious weed management. The program focuses on landscape-scale projects involving multiple landowners working together to solve noxious weed issues on priority habitats. The council will discuss program administration and make funding recommendations to FWP for grant applications submitted in December 2021. A public comment opportunity is scheduled for the afternoon.
To join via Zoom, go to https://mt-gov.zoom.us/ j/84037826491?pwd=emE1bn-VyT0llVEVYSVFCODJ5Nk-93dz09 Meeting ID: 840 3782 6491 Password: 552531.