College News
Montana State University has announced its undergraduate honor rolls for fall semester 2021.
There are two MSU honor roll lists: the president’s list and the dean’s list. To be eligible for the lists, students must be enrolled in at least 12 college-level credits. This honor roll list was current as of Jan. 14 and includes all registration corrections or grade changes processed to that date.
The 1,542 students with a perfect 4.0 grade point average for the semester were named to the president’s list. An asterisk (*) follows their names below.
The dean’s list includes the 3,721 students earning grade point averages of 3.5 or above for the semester.
Area students included: Wolf Point: Jazzamyn Benson*, Kaitlyn Brown*, Thomas Brown, Lauren Crawford Bleazard, Shelby Hanks*, Doriane Keiser Poplar: Lyndsey Young* Culbertson: Macy Kirkaldie*, Lucas Oelkers*
Medicine Lake: Abigail Ator, Walker Ator, Thor Lancaster* Froid: Karrington Kjos* Vida: Evan Eggebrecht