Optimist International Day Set For Thursday

Optimist International Day is recognized on Thursday, Feb. 3. The Wolf Point Optimist Club plays a role in several projects during the year including the following:
•A bag lunch for students in the Missoula Children’s Theatre on rehearsal night.
•Provides gifts for approximately 100 youth with the Angel Tree and holds Radiothon to raise money for the project.
•Sponsors a can contest party for winners.
•Holds carnival in the park.
•Helps with families dealing with childhood cancer and other health problems.
•Christmas bazaar, salad bar and cookie/candy table.
•Collects cans for Northside School which results in buying books for the library.
•Provides cookie trays for senior shut-ins.
•Provides cotton candy for Pink Night at the high school.
•Decorates the Agland Hardware lot on the highway.
•Decorates the big tree on Main Street.
•Puts on a drive-thru fall dinner and a Valentine’s drive-thru dinner.
•Takes Easter bunny photos at Faith Lutheran Home and holds an Easter egg hunt for youth.
•Sponsors a free movie night with treats in the school.
•Hosts Halloweenie Night that includes free hot dogs, chips, water and candy.
•Does highway cleanup from the Homestead Inn to the Annex.
•Holds a free ice cream social.
•Does Mile of Love A Penny At a Time where pennies are laid side by side up Sixth Avenue North.
•Assists the Northside School Junior Optimist Club.
•Gives a scholarship for a girl and a boy.
•Provides treats for the end-ofthe- school-year party.
•Sponsors a youth softball team.
•Tries to honor our emergency workers. •Member of the Wolf Point Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture.
•Member of the Wolf Point 100 Club.
The club is planning to bring back babysitting classes, bike safety and a few other projects.
If interested in joining the club, dues are $100 annually. The club meets every first and third Thursday of each month at the Good Shepherd Church.