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Roosevelt County Deals With Increase Of Inmates’ Meals

Part of the Roosevelt County Sheriff’s budget is being hit harder than anticipated due to the nation’s struggles with the supply chain.

Debra Collins, the county jail’s administrator, has seen prices increase by more than a few dollars per each inmates’ meal.

Collins said the meals used to cost just under $7 and then the price moved up to just under $8 a couple of years ago. The price has now skyrocketed to $11.50 a meal.

“It’s taken a big jump,” Collins said.

Roosevelt County purchases its inmates’ meals from CI Foods out of Washington state. Correctional Industries uses advanced food processing technology to provide meals in bulk or individually sized.

“It’s the cheapest way I’ve found to feed the inmates,” Collins said.

Inmates are provided three meals a day. Last week, the jail had 35 inmates. Collins said the number usually ranges from the low 20s to the high 30s. She orders as much food as she can keep in storage.

Collins has informed Roosevelt County commissioners of the meal challenges.

“This will definitely affect the sheriff’s budget,” commissioner Gordon Oelkers said. “Some adjustments will need to be made.”

Commissioner Gary Mcdonald is hopeful that CARES money could be utilized for some of the increased costs. He said if grants are available, the county will apply for the funding.

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