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COVID Cases Reaching Area Schools

By Bill Vander Weele

According to information from the Montana Department of Health and Human Services, Roosevelt County schools were hit with COVID cases during the month of January.

For the two-week time period from Jan. 14-28, the DPHHS’ website shows that Wolf Point had four total cases, staff and students combined, for those two weeks. Wolf Point Junior High had two cases and Southside had two cases. There were three reported cases for Frontier.

There were 10 reported cases for Poplar Elementary School during that two-week period.

In Culbertson, there were 10 cases for the elementary and one at the high school.

There were four reported cases for Bainville’s elementary level. Froid High School had one reported case.

Frazer High School in Valley County had two reported cases and there was one case at the elementary level.

There were 1,244 reported cases for schools throughout Montana for the two-week period. The figure includes 49 cases at Great Falls High School. There have been 9,459 total cases in Montana’s schools.

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