Town Of Culbertson Approves Bathhouse Grant
The Culbertson Town Council held their regular meeting Monday, Feb. 7. Over a dozen community members attended the meeting to show their support for the municipal pool bathhouse project. The council approved a grant request for funding from the Land and Water Conservation Fund. The LWCF funding is a oneto- one matching grant. A combination of private fundraising and contributions from the town will need to hit a $250,000 threshold for the total $500,000 project bill. The Culbertson Women’s Club has raised approximately $155,000 to date.
Jeremy Fadness from WWC Engineering gave the council an update on the Montana Department of Transportation’s Highway 2 and water main project, as well as state of water tank repairs, which will resume in spring.
The council approved employee Russell Riegler to attend the Montana Rural Water Conference in Great Falls at the end of March.
Discussion about membership renewals for the Theodore Roosevelt Expressway and Highway 2 Association was tabled.
Minutes were passed for the Jan. 10 regular meeting. Financials and claims were approved, as were general journal vouchers and January bills.
The council held a workshop following the meeting where they reviewed the town’s ordinance book for updates and changes and discussed the installation of a speed sign at the west entrance to Culbertson.
The next regular meeting is set for March 14 at 6:30 p.m.