Wrestling Room Needed In Wolf Point
The availability of ESSER, federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund, for COVID-related projects will make it possible for the Wolf Point School District to address several needed areas.
Projects mentioned during meetings have included HVAC systems, new windows at schools, new playground equipment and modernizing classrooms.
Building a wrestling room and new weight room at the high school should be included on the list of needed projects.
Providing the wrestling program a space of its own will make an extreme difference in local wrestlers’ amount of success. Currently, Wolf Point’s wrestlers practice in the multi-purpose room and face challenges when the space is needed for other activities such as concessions for basketball games.
I saw first hand how having a wrestling room made a difference in Sidney. Those wrestlers had to drive over to an elementary school for practices in the past. Having their own space have given the wrestlers and others pride in the program’s accomplishments. Sidney has now won four consecutive Class A state titles and has one of the strongest AAU programs around. Creating a wrestling room in Wolf Point will result in better participation and more success for both our high school and younger wrestlers. It will be a great investment in Wolf Point’s students. If we are committed to improving the program, it starts here.
An improved weight room, meanwhile, could lead to better results in just about every sport including football, wrestling, basketball and track. Many coaches will tell you that their success started in the off season when athletes show up to lift. We need to make heading to the weight room as attractive as possible.