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Culbertson High School Hosts Senior Night

Culbertson High School Hosts Senior Night Culbertson High School Hosts Senior Night

Culbertson High School hosted senior night Sat. Feb. 12, during the home basketball games against Bainville.

Culbertson basketball and speech and drama seniors were recognized along with their parents. For basketball, Autumn Bergum and her parents Cassandra and Eric Bergum were recognized, as well as Isaiah Bignorn and his parents Nichole and Maurice Bighorn, James Kirkaldie and his mother Cheryle Kirkaldie and Trevor Ewack and his mother Cherilyn Yuzicappi. For speech and drama, Morgan Lucas and her parents Krista and Justin Lucas recognized, as were Zach Miller and his parents Tony and Crystal Miller and Eric Chilson and his parents Maria and Jeffrey Chilson.

The family of Isaiah Bighorn presented a star quilt ceremony with Donovan Archambault performing an honor song. Announcing on behalf of the family was Barry Bighorn. The Bighorn family honored Mike and Christina Olson, Larry Birch, Keri Hauenstein and Mary Machart with star quilts.

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