Poplar Wellness Center Set To Open In March

The time is coming close for when the much anticipated Thundering Buffalo Wellness Center will open in Poplar. Members of the Fort Peck Tribes’ executive board toured the $23 million facility on Thursday, Feb. 10.
Floyd Azure, tribal board chairman, said the center will open sometime after March 1, depending on when some exercise equipment being back ordered will arrive. He feels the opening will occur in the early part of March.
“It’s looking really good,” Azure said. “It’s amazing.”
Azure stresses the wellness center will be open to everybody, not just tribal members. The center will be available seven days a week.
“It’s awesome. It might have taken a long time to build, but it’s worth it,” Azure said. “We need to get our kids on a different track.”
The facility features a swimming pool and sauna. There is a splash pool for children. Accessible lifts are available to assists individuals with therapy.
The basketball court features six different baskets. A complete weight room and exercise area are available. There is a walking path above the gym.
“The whole thing is a highlight for the Fort Peck Reservation,” Azure said.
The facility is not just a great spot for recreation, but Thundering Buffalo is a complete wellness center.
Dental stations will be offered where dental hygienists will be located for dental cleanings. Room are assigned for both occupational and physical therapy as well as cardiac rehabilitation.
A snack bar will provide healthy food items. There will also be lessons regarding how to cook healthy meals.
“It’ll be for everybody who wants a healthier lifestyle,” Azure said of the wellness center.
Azure said the center will have about 80 employees.