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Redgrave Presents Program In Wolf Point

Redgrave Presents Program In Wolf Point Redgrave Presents Program In Wolf Point

Dr. Crystal Redgrave, culture and language consultant, presented a program regarding how to handle crisis situations to Wolf Point elementary teachers and other educators on Friday, Feb. 11.

Redgrave, a native of Wolf Point, noted that students’ behavior can be reshaped using reinforcements.

The class is controlled by the teacher, in which students are informed of the rules, expectations, procedures and consequences. The class is created into an environment that fosters a series of belonging, power, freedom and fun.

Redgrave explained that restorative justice means that every member of a community is to be treated with dignity and respect. The inherent worth of every person is recognized. Each person is part of the whole. Restorative justice is an approach for schools to shift from managing behaviors to focusing on building and repairing relationships.

Goals include building relationships, striving to be respectful to all, providing opportunity for equitable dialogue, involve all relevant stakeholders, address harms and encourage all to take responsibility.

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