Wolf Point Police Blotter
( Publisher’s Note: The following blotter includes the activities of the Wolf Point police and fire departments Feb. 7-13. All those cited or arrested are presumed innocent.)
Citations were issued to:
Feb. 7
Hunter Beauchamp, 29, male, 300 block of Knapp Street, disorderly conduct, tribal court.
Feb. 8
Anthony LovesHim, 44, male, 600 block of U.S. Highway 2, theft, tribal court.
Rollie White, 50, male, 400 block of Blaine Street, public intoxication, tribal court.
Lionel Weeks, 56, male, 1200 block of Fourth Avenue North, warrant, interstate.
Feb. 9
Alicia Fasthorse, 29, female, 300 block of Idaho Street, obstructing a peace officer or other public official, tribal court.
Feb. 11
Seth Laverdure, 25, male, 100 block of Third Avenue South, public intoxication, tribal court.
Elvis Follet Jr., 42, male, 200 block of Main Street, criminal possession of drug paraphernalia, loitering and criminal possession of dangerous drugs, tribal court.
Terrance Dupree, 40, male, 200 block of East Main Street, criminal possession of drug paraphernalia, disorderly conduct and criminal possession of drug paraphernalia, tribal court.
Feb. 12
Anthony Flynn, 31, male, Second Avenue North and Garfield Street, warrant, tribal court.
Seventeen-year-old male, 400 block of Edgar Street, failure to carry/display registration receipt, municipal court.
In addition to the citations above, the WPPD had the following activity: abandoned auto, one; accident/ public, one; alarm/burglary, one; alarm/business, one; alarm/residence, one; alarm/ school, one; animal/barking dog, one; animal/cruelty-neglect, one; animal/killed, one; animal/other, one; assault, three; assistance required/ law enforcement, one; assistance required/public, two; attempted theft, one; child neglect, one; criminal mischief, one; disorderly conduct/ fight, two; disorderly conduct, three; disturbance/ fireworks, one; disturbance/ remove unwanted person, 12; domestic abuse, one; domestic/ family disturbance, one; driving under the influence/ alcohol, one; furnishing liquor, one; loitering/panhandling, one; medical assistance, three; minor in possession/ alcohol, one; motor vehicle theft, one; other, four; patrol/city limits, five; public intoxication, one; public intoxication/ open container, two; stolen vehicle, one; suspicious activity, two; suspicious activity/premises, one; suspicious circumstances, one; theft, four; theft of service, one; theft/pursesnatch, one; theft/shoplifting, one; threats, one; tow call, one; traffic crime, one; traffic incident, two; traffic roads/ parking, one; trespassing, four; unauthorized use of motor vehicle, two; vandalism/ residence, one; violation of a protection order, one; warrants/federal, one; weapon offense, three; welfare check, two; total, 91.