Bainville Town Council Approves Training Funds For Sheriff’s Office
Bainville Receives $110,585 In ARPA Funding
The Bainville Town Council held their regular meeting at the Fire Hall Feb. 15. Mayor Toby Romo and councilpersons Matt Giese, Nick Tester and Carol Rasmussen were in attendance. The agenda was approved without additions and there was no public comment offered.
Town clerk Nikki Rogers told the Community News that the annual financial report has been received and is under review. Rogers gave the council an update on American Rescue Plan Act funding requirements. The town has been approved for ARPA funds of $110,585. She said that applications for the use of these funds must be made by Jan. 1, 2023. The applications are reviewed monthly, said Rogers, and the funds must go towards a water and sewer infrastructure improvement project.
Mayor Romo provided the public works report, which included generator lift repairs, ongoing talks with Interstate Engineering regarding a possible sewer line improvement project and a review of the Town Emergency Response Plan. Romo told the council that the Water House has been cleaned out and said unaccounted water amounts have come down significantly after major leak repairs.
The Roosevelt County Sheriff’s Department report included a request from Sheriff Jason Frederick to send two officers to training March 28 through April 1. The cost is $1,300 for both registrations. The council approved the request, stipulating that funds come out of the town’s reserve training account.
Dry Prairie approved increase in water rates, with an estimated annual increase to the town of $17,667 for three years. The council is considering balancing the expense of increased rates with the decreased unaccounted water amounts but talks are ongoing.
The town reviewed a request from Allen Spencer of Dakota- land to deed over the RV Park property to the Town of Bainville in lieu of delinquent water/ sewer billing. The owner emailed the town and is willing to put the documentation together for this transaction. The current bill is $37,980.64. No action was taken by the council.
Rogers and the council conducted a sewer impact fee review, noting that the state’s fee must be reviewed every five years and deposited in a special proprietary fund. The council is also reviewing the makeup of the town’s impact fee advisory committee.
Rogers told the council that the Bridge and Road Safety and Accountability Program for calendar year 2022 will receive an allocation in the amount of $15,692. The allocation can be used on materials for street improvements.
The council approved the mayor to submit required paperwork to the State Department of Transportation for approval to install walking paths on each side of Clinton Street and Highway 327 from Highway Avenue north to Highway 2.
The next regular council meeting will be Monday, March 14 at 7 p.m. at the town office.