Fire Destroys Apartment Building In Wolf Point

A fire destroyed an uninhabited apartment building on the corner of Fifth Avenue South and Custer Street in Wolf Point Tuesday night, March 1. The building was owned by the City of Wolf Point and was slated for demolition. The fire, which has been deemed suspicious, was reported at 7 p.m. and quickly consumed the structure. The Wolf Point Volunteer Fire Department determined a defensive approach to controlling the fire was the best option. No other structures were lost. WPVFD responded with Engine 8 and Engine 91, the department's structure trucks. Valley County Long Run Fire Department assisted with one truck and crew. Firefighters were on the scene until 3:30 a.m. A WPVFD crew responded again Wednesday about 6:30 a.m. to use a backhoe to help further extinguish smoldering areas.
(Photo by Darla Downs)