Lustre News

Valley County commissioners John Fahlgren and Paul Tweten met with Lustre residents on Monday, March 7, at 6:30 p.m. at Lustre Christian High School.
They brought to the community’s attention to the City of Glasgow’s request for the county to take over the city swimming pool land and operations and that there may be a levy request on the ballot, as well as one regarding “recreational marijuana.”
Frances Mahon Deaconess Hospital is now designated a critical care hospital.
They fielded questions regarding Valley View’s operations, pandemic funds allocation and fixing Lustre area roads. The community expressed their appreciation the commissioners for hiring James Gibson to maintain the roads. He is doing a good job. The commissioners oversee public safety, roads and bridges and other areas.
On Tuesday, March 8, the Lustre Christian High School gym was decorated in blue and white for a reception for our LCHS basketball team in honor of their Eastern Divisional C Tournament Third Place at Sidney. Yes it hurt to miss state tournament by one point in such close games. Athletic director Ron Reddig reminded the team that they have been role models to the Lustre Grade School youth, pointing to Dwaine Wall, John Wall and Arden Unrau, and their 1965 team as his role models in grade 6. They continue to be role models. Principal Rick Cattell reminded us that there is more to life than basketball and that there will be successes that are yet to come. He talked of intense dynamics at tournaments and commended the community on the support for the LCHS teams over the entire season. Each player was given opportunity to talk as well as coaches, and we fully enjoyed them. Coach Randy Reddig said that he was as proud of their deportment off the field in losses or wins.
The girls’ team was recognized, as well as the board members for their support in making opposing team meals and for ticket taking. Assistant coach Justin Klatt spoke of the boys’ hard work in the summer to prepare for this season. LCHS has Montana’s youngest cheerleaders and these small tykes (grades K-4) were appreciated though they were worn out by the challenge game with Fairview. Becca Reddig compiled a video of the team playing at the seasons’ games.
Lustre’s Schmeckfest is slated for March 25, serving from 5-7 p.m., and followed by a program and auction in support of the LCHS. Advance tickets are available.