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Extension, AARP Montana To Host Series On Estate Planning

Montana State University Extension will collaborate with AARP - Montana for a three-part webinar estate planning series in April, May and June.

The series, Wednesday Wisdom, will run from 10 to 11 a.m. on April 6, May 11 and June 8. The series will be presented by Marsha Goetting, MSU Extension family economics specialist and professor at MSU.

Goetting said that, for some Montanans, estate planning can be one of the most important and challenging decisions of their lives. It raises questions about personal legacy and how to assure the right people receive one’s property after death.

Over the past two years Goetting has presented more than 100 virtual educational sessions reaching more than 8,500 Montanans with estate and legacy planning information. She also provided a study at home course that had more than 200 participants. Goetting has received state, regional and national awards for her programs and has authored 50 MontGuide fact sheets that cover estate planning topics.

To register for the webinars visit

Topics to be covered include: April 6: “Is Your Will Worth the Paper It’s Written On? When property titles, Montana’s law of interstate succession and a written will are combined, there can be surprises. Goetting will discuss how wording on accounts, titles or deeds is an important factor in determining who receives them upon the owner’s death. She will also explain when a will can have no impact.

May 11: “Avoiding Probate … Are You Sure You Want to Do That?” Some Montanans may be unaware of tools made available by the Montana Legislature that allow individuals to avoid probate on assets after dying. Yet, one of the tools offers unintended consequences for heirs.

June 8: “What’s New In ’22.” What changes did the Montana Legislature make that influence estate planning? What changes have occurred at the federal level that you should know about?

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