Wolf Point Police Blotter
( Publisher’s Note: The following blotter includes the activities of the Wolf Point police and fire departments March 21-27. All those cited or arrested are presumed innocent.)
Citations were issued to:
March 22
Tauree’an Tuttle, 28, female, 200 block of Main Street, hindering law enforcement and endangering the welfare of children, tribal court.
March 23
Kayden Roubideaux, 22, male, 400 block of U.S. Highway 2, carrying concealed weapon and robbery, tribal court.
March 25
Timothy Reddoor Jr., 42, male, Triangle Park, public intoxication, tribal court.
Adam Runsthrough, 57, male, Triangle Park, hindering law enforcement and public intoxication, tribal court.
March 26
John Moccasin II, 39, male, 400 block of Fallon Street, partner/family member assault, tribal court
March 27
Steven Skundberg, 36, male, Roosevelt County Jail, warrant, interstate.
In addition to the citations above, the WPPD had the following activity: unspecified, one; alarm/burglary, one; alarm/business, one; alarm/ residence, one; alarm/school, one; animal/dog bite, one; animal/stray, two; assault, two; assistance required/ funeral, one; assistance required/ public, four; attempted burglary/residential, one; burglary/residential/forcible, three; child endangerment, two; criminal mischief, one; custodial interference custodial interference, one; disorderly conduct/fight, seven; disorderly conduct, eight; disorderly conduct/vagrant, five; disturbance/other, one; disturbance/panhandling, one; disturbance/remove unwanted person, four; domestic abuse, two; driving under the influence/alcohol, one; duplicate call, one; fire/other, one; indecent exposure, one; kidnapping/ child, one; medical assistance, five; other, one; patrol/ city limits, four; possible concealed weapon, one; public intoxication, one; public intoxication/ open container, one; public safety - liquid/gases, one; served civil papers, one; sex offence/adult female victim, one; simple assault, one; stolen property, one; suicide threat/adult male, one; suspicious activity, five; suspicious circumstances, one; suspicious person, two; suspicious vehicle, one; theft, five; theft from motor vehicle, one; theft/ shoplifting, three; threats, two; traffic crime/careless driving, one; traffic crime/hit and run, one; traffic crime, one; traffic crime/reckless driver, two; traffic roads/parking, three; trespass, four; unauthorized use of motor vehicle, two; unsecured premises/citizen reported, one; unsecured premises/law enforcement reported, one; vandalism, one; vandalism/motor vehicle, one; warrant for arrest, one; warrants/tribal, three; weapon offense, four; welfare check, five; total, 126.