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Lustre News

Lustre News Lustre News

Spring is officially here. Farmers are getting seed cleaned and preparing equipment for spring work.

The juniors and seniors of Lustre Christian High School had an exciting time April 1 as class sponsor Dan Morasco and his juniors planned an Italian themed evening for their banquet, cooked by home economics teacher Connie Button. It was held after the Glasgow Invitational Track Meet at The Cottonwood Inn. Roy Neufeld was the speaker for the 40 gathered.

Elective credits have been part of the curriculum at LCHS (band, choir, speech and drama, art, music appreciation, Spanish or German), but this is the first year LCHS offered home economics. Mrs. Button teaches on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. It begins with cooking, learning about spices, seasoning, planning meals, place settings and cooking a meal for your family. The next section was on laundry care, comparing cleaning products and learning how to take out stains. They have just finished a section on cleaning, including room inspections and understanding cleaning supplies. Currently, 17 students have learned how to make an emergency sewing kit appliqué by hand sewing and are beginning machine sewing. They will end the year with finances and car mechanics.

The Lustre area woke to two inches of very wet and welcome snow on Wednesday, April 6. More is on the way at press time April 12.

The LCHS track team has been doing quite well at Glasgow and Lambert Invitational meets recently. Jasiah Hambria won first place in the triple jump, the high jump and the 400 meter race, as well as second in the 200 meter race in Glasgow. Elijah Lenihan placed fourth in the high jump. There are a good number participating.

Dawson and Alicia Olfert and Jason and Stephanie Brown of our community serve on the board of El Roi Haiti, a school in a community of Port au Prince, Haiti. Their organization serves to provide schooling for children to teenagers who could not otherwise attend, with child sponsorships. The founder and director of all El Roi’s outreach programs and principal of El Roi Academy is Sandro Dorsainvil, a 2014 graduate of LCHS. He returned to his home country to make a difference in his community. Since the school began, a vocational program, a scholarship program and a summer camp for kids have been developed, including providing a meal-a-day and a youth discipleship program. The El Roi Academy has about 400 students plus teaching staff. For more information, we direct you to their website www.elroihaiti. com to learn more about this dynamic and gracious ministry.

The Lustre EMB Church is hosting a combined Good Friday Service April 15 at 7 p.m. with the MB congregation. Pastor Frank Lenihan is speaking. All are welcome.

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