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Wolf Point School To Review Pipes For Lead

Wolf Point School’s facilities director Shane Reed said during last week’s school board meeting that work is underway to determine the conditions of the all of the school district’s pipes.

“I am working on a large project for the state,” Reed told trustees during the Monday, April 11, meeting. “We are required to do lead sampling of all fixtures in all buildings of our district. Right now, it is all collecting data and making maps and getting history of buildings and fixtures.”

Reed said once the results of samples are known, the school district will know how much needs to be done to repair possible problems.

Reed added that the process of purchasing new playground equipment for Northside and Southside Schools is underway.

During her report, high school principal Kim Hanks said the Academic Olympics teams performed well. Aaron Boysun placed third in social studies and Jack Sprague took ninth in math. Other team members included Kaylee Johnson, Daniel Sears, Kylie Rodenberg, Jerome Four Star, Ethan Blount, Chase Adams, Victoria Wozniak and Josie Kolstad.

Hanks said an ACT bootcamp for juniors held on March 16 was successful.

Superintendent Loverty Erickson reported that McKinstry LLC will meet with the facility committee to discuss planning goals for ESSER II and III projects and time lines. The committee will present its recommendations to the school board in May.

The district submitted two separate correspondence to support Chapter 57 teacher licensure changes to the Montana Board of Public Education. The first was a direct email from Erickson during public comment section advocating for changes to make the hiring of certified teachers easier for rural schools. The second was a signature for letter of support from the Northeastern Montana Association Superintendent of Schools.

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