Lustre News

Meridith Reddig was honored by her alma mater, Wolf Point High School, at the music festival held April 22-23 with a “Thank You” certificate recognizing her contribution of 50 years as accompanist for students competing at music festivals. She graduated from Wolf Point High School in 1974. WPHS music director Russell Johnson presented the certificate and flower bouquet.
Nine Lustre Christian High School music students, under the direction of Michael Butler, participated in the music festival at WPHS April 22-23. The LCHS choir received two superior ratings and the band received one superior. One piece they played was Charles Gounod’s Funeral March of a Puppet Marionette which is an Alfred Hitchcock movie theme.
Qualifying for state music festival with superior ratings on their entries were Mason Hilkemann, saxophone solo; Hannah Morasco, piano, vocal; and Anna Teichroew and Rachel Pew, vocal duet. Abby Olfert received a II on her trumpet solo.
These students will be performing their festival pieces at a music concert on Wednesday, May 4, at the Lustre EMB Church at 7 p.m.
Aspiring basketball players of the grade school level played in a tournament in Scobey Friday evening and all day Saturday, April 22-23. They braved a 35 degree cold, windy and rainy weather to be there. The older girls from the Lustre club won their tournament in their agegroup.
Sunday afternoon, the piano students of Dan and Melissa Marasco and Sarah Brown gave a joint recital at the assembly room of the LCHS. Students participating were Nancy Schiller, Addie Smith, Kencia Brown, Justin Schiller, Holly Hilkemann, Tessa Olfert, Daniel Marasco, Ashtyn Traeholt, Christopher Traeholt, Lauren Fast, Sarah Marasco, Harlo Reddig, Aubrey Klatt, Sidney Klatt, Hannah Pancratz, Hannah Brown, Hannah Marasco and Grace Brown. Coleman Hilkemann, a guitar student of Michael Butler’s, also played. Each student played two pieces, unless it was a long piece.
Caden Klatt was inducted into the LCHS National Honor Society. He is the son of Justin and Kimberly Klatt, grandson of Lyle and Carla Wall. Honor society members for 2021 members are Kaleb Hoversland, Kolden Hoversland and Sean Uy, who each received a 100th NHS anniversary medal.
Guidance counselor Deborah Cattell gave a brief history of the NHS. It began in 1921 and has had inductees at LCHS since 1966. Becoming a member is not by application nor only scholarship with a GPA of 3.40. Candidates are chosen by the school faculty in public recognition that these students have an evident commitment to NHS’s four pillars: scholarship, leadership, service and character. Candles were lit to exemplify each pillar and the white candle of character included respect of others, self-control, being in reality what others think you are, citizenship and rich moral character. Leadership included a commitment to wise leadership, exercised with a trust and belief in God, who gives wisdom without regard to those who seek it. The values of scholarship, service, leadership and character give purpose to life, as speaker Ric Catell explained.