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Wind, Rain Pelts Culbertson Prom

Wind, Rain Pelts  Culbertson Prom Wind, Rain Pelts  Culbertson Prom

Culbertson High School hosted prom from 8 p.m. to midnight at the old armory building, despite wind, rain and snow that knocked down power lines throughout the region. Turnout was strong, with attendees and family members braving the weather. After-prom activities were canceled.

James Kirkaldie and Autumn Bergum were crowned king and queen respectively. Kirkaldie was celebrating a birthday, a fact that prompted his fellow students and most of the audience to break into song.

The freshman class was represented by Bridger Salvevold and Jasmine Fugere. Destiny Wilbanks and Carson Solem were elected from the sophomores and Kobe Nickoloff and Kayli Olson represented the junior class.

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