County To Experiment With Road Surface
Roosevelt County commissioners have shown interest in using a new surface on county roads.
Commissioners approved spending $5,000 for the soil stabilization solution on a stretch of road in Roosevelt County.
Commissioner Gary Macdonald said videos show the solution changing dirt into cement.
If the solution shows positive results, it could be a positive for years to come in the county.
“We will see,” commissioner Gordon Oelkers said whether the material will work on local roads. “It takes clay and sometimes we don’t have enough clay.”
According to the business’ website, Perma-Zyme can save users up to 80 percent in costs. Most mile-long roads cost less than $7,000 to treat.
The website says that unpaved roads would now last for more than 10 years with little or no maintenance throughout all climates.
“Perma-Zyme is an enzyme- based soil stabilizer designed to permanently bond the soil particles into a cement-like material, using the native soil as the road base. By doing so, you wipe out any need for hauling out any old material or hauling in any new aggregate. During this process, Perma-Zyme is also aiding in dust control,” the website reads.