Residents Find Cool Place At Pool During Busy Summer Months

The Wolf Point swim pool is nearing the end of a very busy summer. The last day for swimming is Aug. 13.
Mandi Campbell, pool manager, said there was an average of 75 to 125 swimmers a day.
“That’s for the afternoon session, family swim and night session,” Campbell explained. “Family swim has really picked up the last few years.”
The pool has particularly been a hectic place during the last week or so when near 100-degree temperatures hit the area. Cost to swim are $5 during the day, $3 at night or $2 for the sprinkler pool.
Wolf Point’s pool was even more busy than normal this summer because Glasgow’s swim team practiced in Wolf Point from 8 to 10 a.m. three times a week while Glasgow builds a new pool.
“It was good building a bridge between Wolf Point and Glasgow,” Campbell said. “It’s been a good summer.”
Campbell is grateful for this year’s seven lifeguards. They made it possible for the pool to be open despite being short-handed.
“I’m happy with them. A lot of they have really stepped up and filled shifts,” Campbell explained.
She says lifeguards need to be at least 15 years of age. She’s hopeful that more people are willing to serve as lifeguards in the future.
Kylie Rodenberg has been a lifeguard for three years and says it’s a positive experience.
“It’s fun. I enjoy it,” Rodenberg said. “I just enjoy it all.”
She admits that sometimes youngsters get upset with lifeguards, but it’s mainly when the guards are only forcing them to follow the rules. The toughest rules to follow seem to be no running and no dunking.
Campbell compliments recreation director Dan Horsmon for doing a great job of improving the park during the last few summers.
After serving as pool manager for nine years, Campbell is stepping away from the position. She says it’s time to finally have a break.
“I’ve never had my own summer. I don’t get a break,” Campbell said.