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School Menus

Frontier School Oct. 16: Chicken mashed potato bowls, fruits and veggies.

Oct. 17: Tacos, refried beans, fruits and veggies.

Oct. 18: Hot dogs, fries, fruits and veggies.

Oct. 19: No school. *** Wolf Point School Oct. 16: Breakfast: Mini cinni waffles and oranges. Lunch: Chicken strips, seasoned rice, salad, broccoli florets, peaches and dinner rolls.

Oct. 17: Breakfast: PB& J Uncrustables and bananas. Lunch: Beef tacos with all the fixings, cauliflower florets, and applesauce.

Oct. 18: Breakfast: Pancake sausages on sticks and bananas. Lunch: Peanut butter and grape jelly Smuckers Uncrustable sandwiches, string cheese, juice, chips and apples. Noon dismissal.

Oct. 19: No school. Lustre School Oct. 16: Pizza casserole. Oct. 17: Chicken and gravy over mashed potatoes.

Oct. 18: Chicken alfredo and garlic bread

Oct. 19-20: No school.

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