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School Menus

Frontier School Nov. 13: Sloppy joes and fries,.

Nov. 14: Egg rolls and rice.

Nov. 15: Beef stroganoff. Nov. 16: Tomato soup and baked cheese sammies.

*** Wolf Point School Nov. 13: Chicken nuggets, potato wedges, romaine blend, carrots, peaches and rolls.

Nov. 14: Chili, cheese slices, romaine blend, cauliflower, corn muffins, crackers and applesauce.

Nov. 15: Hot dogs, french fries, romaine blend, celery and pears.

Nov. 16: Lasagna, garlic bread - HS, breadsticks - SS/ NS, romaine blend, broccoli, corn and peaches. Lustre School Nov. 13: Chicken drummies.

Nov. 14: Beef nachos.

Nov. 15: Pizza casserole. Nov. 16: Chicken and gravy over mashed potatoes.

Nov. 17: Chicken alfredo.

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