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Town Council Passes Utility Deposit Increase

Town Council Passes Utility Deposit Increase Town Council Passes Utility Deposit Increase

The Culbertson Town Council held its regular council meeting Monday, Nov. 13. Following the approval of the treasurer’s reports, billing vouchers and minutes, Jeremy Fadness with WWC Engineering said the MDT U.S. Highway 2 project is in final invoicing stages.

The Culbertson Economic Development Council was unable to make a quorum. Members are needed for the group, whose goals include development along Broadway Avenue in Culbertson and support for area small businesses. For more information, contact the Town at 406-787-5271.

The creation of a new inclusive lighting district is moving forward. A resolution of intent is expected at the December council meeting, followed by a public hearing in January. The plan is to bring the whole town into the district and assess new, fairer fees by lot size and square footage.

A new set of Floodplain Hazard Management regulations are being reviewed. According to town clerk Terri Merrill, many of the highlighted recommendations have already been incorporated. Additional updates are being considered.

An increase for water/ sewer utility deposits was approved by the council. Deposit for new customers will be raised from $100 to $150. Existing customers will not be affected.

HB 355, the “infrastructure bill,” was discussed. Culbertson is eligible for $73,745 in funding, with a 25 percent match. Projects may not include new construction and are limited to upgrading or repairing current infrastructure. A list of priority projects is being developed.

The next regular meeting is set for Dec. 11, at 6:30 p.m.

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