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Davis Works To Reach Complete Goals

Davis Works To Reach Complete Goals Davis Works To Reach Complete Goals

Wolf Point High School senior Jordan Davis says he likes to keep busy. When he’s not studying at school, he’s helping his parents out at the family farm/ranch.

Activities for Davis during his high school career have included FFA and wrestling.

He was a three-year member of FFA and served as the club’s secretary as a sophomore.

One of his favorite highlights involving FFA was attending John Deere Days. He remembers competing in ag mechanics, livestock judging and agronomy. He liked ag mechanics the best.

“It was more of a hands-on experience than anything,” Davis said. “I really liked it.”

He was a member of Wolf Point’s wrestling team for two years.

“I enjoyed it, but I ended up with some shoulder issues,” Davis said.

During the school day, his favorite class is wood shop. He likes completing various projects for the class including a recent old barnwood table that is nearly done.

He says his favorite teacher is Steven Schwartz for personal finance. “He has a lot of experience,” Davis said. Davis said his role model is his father, Ken.

“I’ve always looked up to him,” Jordan said. “He works hard and his family comes first.”

Jordan has attended school in Wolf Point throughout his life. “You know everybody that you’re going to school with.”

After graduation, he plans to study ag mechanics and diesel technology at MSU-Northern.

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