Froid Council Seeks Priority Projects
The Froid Town Council held its regular meeting Nov. 13. The public works report included sewer inspections and repair work done by Pace Construction. American Rescue Plan Act funds will be used in the spring to replace two manholes.
Plans are also underway to address a sunken bus parking area near the school, with help from new Froid School superintendent Steve Mayhue. Blight cleanup efforts are ongoing.
A deputy from the Roosevelt County Sheriff’s Office attended the meeting. Froid was reported as “very quiet.” The deputy said he would look into reports of an unlicensed drivers operating illegally on roads in the Froid area.
The council identified roof repairs for the town office as one of several possible priority projects related to funding from House Bill 355.
A list of projects is being considered and will be presented at the next council meeting. New construction projects aren’t allowed under the bill, which restricts funding to upgrades and improvements to existing municipal sites and equipment. Community members are asked to contact the town at to put forward project ideas.
The council approved Nyquist Grant applications for a new door for the baseball concessions building and replacing old shop windows, some of which are broken. The total request was approximately $1,800.
The town Christmas party has been set for Dec. 16 at the town office. All are invited. The next regular meeting will be Dec. 11 at 6:30 p.m.