Wolf Point Police Blotter
( Publisher’s Note: The following blotter includes the activities of the Wolf Point police and fire department Nov. 27 through Dec. 3. All those cited or arrested are presumed innocent.)
December 3
Seventeen-year-old female, Second Avenue South and Granville Street, permitting an unauthorized minor to drive, tribal court.
Fifteen-year-old female Second Avenue South and Granville Street, driving without a valid driver’s license and failure to report accident, tribal court.
In addition to the citations above, the WPPD had the following activity: abandoned auto, one; accident/ hit and run, one; alarm/auto, one; alarm/burglary, one; animal/dog bite, one; animal/ other, one; animal/stray, one; assault, one; assistance required/law enforcement, three; assistance required/ public, four; assistance required/ security check, two; burglary/residential/no force, one; civil standby, one; civil complaint, one; disorderly conduct/fight, two; disorderly conduct, four; disorderly conduct/profane language, two; disturbance/other, two; disturbance/panhandling, one; disturbance/remove unwanted person, five; domestic abuse, one; domestic/ family disturbance, one; drugs/found paraphernalia, one; drugs/possess/use, two; driving under the influence/ alcohol, one; embezzlement/ money, two; harassment, two; medical assistance, six; message delivery, two; missing person/child, two; missing person/lost child, one; motor vehicle theft, one; other, one; patrol/all other, one; property/ found, one; public intoxication, two; public nuisance, two; runaway/female, three; runaway/male, four; stolen property/receive, one; suspicious activity, four; theft, five; theft of motor vehicle, one; threats, four; traffic crime/ careless driving, one; trespass, one; vandalism, one; warrants/federal, two; warrants/ tribal, one; weapon offense, one; welfare check, 18; total, 112.