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Julian Shields Jr.

Julian Shields Jr. Julian Shields Jr.

Julian K. “Sonny Boy” Shields Jr., 73, of Wolf Point died Jan. 2, 2024, at Trinity Hospital in Wolf Point.

A member of the Fort Peck Tribe, he was born in Poplar on Aug. 4, 1950, to Viola Red Elk and Julian Shields Sr.

Among his achievements were earning a bachelor’s degree in social work from Montana State University in Billings and his master’s degree in social work from the University of Washington in Seattle, Wash.

He worked in Indian Country in a variety of capacities from Portland, Ore., to Gallup, N.M., including the Indian Health Service and the Bureau of Indian Affairs in the social work field. He returned home to serve his community at Health Promotion Disease Prevention and as the Tribal Health Director for Fort Peck until 2023.

He had many interests, including gambling, dancing, reading, playing pool, watching crime documentaries, car, cooking, comedy, home repair shows, traveling, providing mentorship and those who knew him well enjoyed

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