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Students Win Awards In Library Contest

Students Win Awards In Library Contest Students Win Awards In Library Contest

Nine Northside Elementary School students received awards through a contest conducted by the school’s library.

Northside librarian Helen Welte explained that this year’s contest involved students creating a commercial. She said students needed to learn how to work with slides and do research for the project.

“They could tweak a project around something that is already made, but make the product different,” Welke explained during an awards ceremony.

Popular subjects included candy and gum. Winners were determined by students’ votes. Earning first-place honors with 308 votes was Audri Kent with her Mind Reader project. Dominic Green’s Hero Beanz project placed second with 281 votes. Isabella Alvestad’s Facemask was third with 246 votes.

Other students in the top nine were Caydee Gorder, Cheyanne Bouldin, Shooter Clark, Evelyn Turcotte, Russell McNabb and Madrox Healy.

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