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Boysuns Keep Caring, Loving Each Other

Boysuns Keep Caring, Loving Each Other Boysuns Keep Caring, Loving Each Other

Valentines For 50 Years

It’s been more than 50 years since Wolf Point couple Randy and Mary Boysun exchanged wedding vows, but their commitment to each other on this Valentine’s Day remains as strong as ever.

Every day hasn’t been perfect but, on bad days, they always believed the next day would be better.

“We weren’t raised to see a different option,” Mary said of the longtime marriage. “You don’t think of it as an option for doing anything different.”

Randy added, “We’ve been too busy taking care of everybody,” including parents, sons and each other.

“I try to do what she says so I don’t get a beating,” Randy joked. “I tell her that I love her. She says she told me she loved me once and, if anything changes, she will let me know.”

The couple definitely takes care of each other. Randy handles the yard and house maintenance while Mary takes care of the finances and health issues.

“I’m spoiled,” Mary noted. “I’ve rarely, if ever, put gas in my car. I don’t think I’ve ever changed a light bulb.”

In turn, she pours medication for Randy and organizes his medical appointments.

A while back when Randy was dealing with COVID, Mary told a son that Randy wasn’t drinking enough water. Asked what she was going to do about the situation, Mary’s answer was to hold Randy’s Diet Coke hostage until he drinks two bottles of water.

Their admirable relationship began back in 1971 when they met, through a cousin, at a gathering spot for young people back then on the downtown street in Wolf Point. “You can always say I picked her up in the gutter,” Randy joked.

The two of them, along with the cousin, then went to a drive-in movie that night. Randy kept trying to put his arm around Mary’s shoulder and she would push it away.

“I didn’t hardly know his name yet,” Mary explained.

Randy remembers asking Mary out for a date on the following night.

Mary said it was easy to like him because they were both from hard-working families and had other things in common. They continued dating even when Mary started taking nursing classes in Havre. She would drive back to Wolf Point every weekend.

Luck arrived for the couple during the summer of 1972 when Randy took his brother’s spot at a poker table and won enough money to purchase an engagement ring.

Randy asked the permission of Mary’s father before popping the question to Mary. “He said, that’s your problem,” Randy said of the father’s response to marrying Mary.

After a nervous Randy proposed, Mary’s mother gave her approval if that’s what Mary wanted, which it certainly was. They were married at the First Presbyterian Church in Wolf Point on April 28, 1973. Mary wore her mom’s wedding dress.

Mary explained that food at the small reception included cake, ice cream and coffee. Randy remarked about the need for sandwiches to her mother. “She made Randy a sandwich, but no one else got one,” Mary laughed.

During a dance at the Vida Country Club that night, a hat was passed to gather donations for the new couple. Enough money to help pay for the young couple’s honeymoon trip that included stops at Yellowstone Park, Wyoming and Black Hills, S.D.

“Then, it was back to work,” Mary said.

Mary’s career included working at the hospital for one year and then at Faith Home for 47 years and three months. Randy worked for Farmers Union Oil for 17 years, as a school custodian for a year and then 27 years for the highway department.

Mary said she loved taking care of the elderly at Faith Home and getting to know the patients. She was the assistant director of nurses for 20 years.

They are the parents of Jaronn and Holli. Grandsons are Jacob and Trevin.

Randy and Mary are thankful for the school system and daycare situation that made raising two children easier.

Throughout their life, the Boysuns have been very communityminded. Randy won the award as Montana’s Outstanding Jaycee during the late 1970s. They still stay involved as much as possible. Mary’s volunteer work includes helping at the food bank and doing foot care for senior citizens.

During their retirement years, Randy keeps busy with a lot of agate work including creating belt buckles, end tables and other quality pieces. Mary assists with polishing rocks for buckles and advising which stones go best with which buckles.

Mary’s other hobbies include reading, playing cards and doing crossword puzzles. Of course, putting up with some of Randy’s jokes regarding how badly he’s treated by her is another pastime.

“I get a lot of sympathy,” Mary said.

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